Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Estedfords Again

Well, we are coming up to the next lot of Estedfords. This time I am playing 4 times. With the Junior Stage Band, the Junior Concert Band, the Senior Concert band and my flute quartet.

I hope we do well, but I don't think we've got that much of a chance.

To start with, the aduticater's mostly deaf. So he'll be judging a lot from how we look. And we can compete with places like Friends and Colegiate when it comes to playing - but when it comes to uniform they are way out of our leage. Which is really not fair on us.

Plus, the Junior Stage Band seems to have gotten worse. I think its cause that band used to be all grade 8s and now we've got grade 7s aswell. Which means that our sound has gotten way worse, even though we now have more players. But I've definately improved! :)

Junior Stage is playing Happy Together (from Shrek), The Peanut Vender and Stand By Me (which we played last estedford too). We were hoping to play Twist and Shout, but we didn't get there.

Junior Concert is playing Into The Clouds, How Can I Keep From Singing, and probably Friend Like Me (from Aladin). We want to play The Final Countdown, but Simon said no, because its not technical enough to do any good.

Senior Concert is playing Sabre Dance and King Across the Water. If we manage to suddenly improve we'll also play The Greek Folk Suite, which is really hard cause its written in 7:8. So you have to count one-and-ah, two-and, three-and; one-and-ah, two-and, three-and.

You're propably asleep, but oh well. I don't have anything better to do this arvo than bore my reletives to death.


I'm really hate retarded kids. I really really hate them. I know we're all ment to be exceptant and everything, and I would be exceptant of them - if they went to there own schools and didn't mess up our schools. I mean, Clarence is messed up enough already without some stupid retards messing it up even more.

At lunch 2day one of the retarded kids went mental. Someone said something to him and he just lost it. I don't know what was said to him, but he really went off! He started bashing up twwo grade nine boys - both at once. Mrs palmer (who's my English teacher) tryed to calm him down, but then he tryed to hit her too. Thats the story I heard, but even if it wasn't that, it was something else pretty serious, cause they locked us all away in our home rooms untill they could catch him.

Half way through lunch there was an anouncment that we all had to go to our home rooms for an 'attendance check'. It was fairly wierd - the principal, who usually spends her whole life in her office, sent the message over the PA, so we all knew it was something out of the ordinary.

The most anyoying thing was that we were in the middle of a band rehersal. And we still had to go back to our homerooms. Personally, I think we were a lot safer in the music room with Simon (Mr Reade) and Miss Badcock and Sam (a grade nine boy) and Dylan (he's 18 and he helps out with percussion) than stuck in home group with Mrs Burgess. Stupid teacher. She wouldn't even let us look out the window so we could watch them try to catch the retard.

The school had to call the kids family to come and get him cause they couldn't manage to calm him down enough to catch him. It took 20 minutes before they let the school out of lock down.

My question is; If this kid is retarded enough to be a threat to the whole school, then whats he doing there in the first place?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

OK, so you know basicly what I did last week. I got back from Lake Leake on Monday. This is what I've done since then...
  • Tuesday - slept, ate, and spent the afternoon at Lucinda's cause I didn't feel like going wlaking with Rachel's boyfriends family.
  • Wednesday - slept, ate, went shopping. I got an Ipod docking station - so now I can listen to my music aloud in my room with the twins, two new tops from Supre - one pink, one blue, and the other three Twilight books. Then I got home, showered, got changed, and wnet to Jacqui's for a sleepover. We talked, ate and watched The Mighty Boosh, When a Stranger Calls and the Doctor Who epesodes with the gass mask kid.
  • Thusrday - didn't sleep. Talked, played computer games, watched TV. eventaully we slept. Hayley had to get up and leave at 9, so then me and Jacqui and Loren had eggs and backon for breakfast. We mucked around and then we wnt to Woodies Roller World with my family and Rachel's boyfriend's family.
  • Friday (today) - I slept. lots. Then i got up and ate and showered and now I'm blogging. Tonight i'm going to Lucinda's party and then sleeping at her place. It'll be tons of fun and I get to meet all her frieds from Seabrooke.

Busy. Busy, Busy!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lake Leake

OK, so most recently I have been at Lake Leake with my family. And I think that most of you would have good enough memories to know that a weekend at Lake Leake also means a weekend with the Morleys (Sam, James, and Ollie).

We went up on Thursday night; after I got home form band camp, got my hair cut, had a shower and struggled to find enough clothes to pack.

The morleys didn't come till Saturday morning and not much happened till they arrived. We went fishing (unsuccesfully), played games (I consistently beat Mum at Scrabble now!), read, rode our bikes, etc.

The lake was amazing! It was so full! The ground was like one big sponge, you trod on it and all this water seeped up through it! Our car got bogged and we had to get the neighbours 4-wheel-drive to pull it out. There was supposedly ment to be fish in the now-overflowing lake, but we didn't see any evidence to conferm this untill later.

Just to show you the difference between the lake now and the lake before, here is a picture from last time we were there, back in May.

See the dirt? See the parched land? Now look at this...

Water! Look how high it is! It was flooding over the damn and raging down the river. It has pulled half our boat ramp away and we don't know where it is now. And yes, Rachel is holding a fish. And yes, she did catch it. And yes, I thought that was impossible aswell.

She caught that one on Saturday afternoon, when she went out fishing with James and Dad.

And she caught this one off the shore on Sunday morning.

I went fishing in the boat on Firday morning, on Saturday morning and again on Sunday morning, and I didn't catch a sigle fish! Not one! But I did manage to catch a tree, lose two of dad's lures, and fall overboard. Rachel didn't do any of that!

Ok, so right now you are probably thinking something along the lines of, 'I knew she was an unco, but I didn't know it was possible to be that unco'. This is how it happened. We were fishing right over the back of the lake, as far as you can get from the shacks. There are lots of tree stumps in the lake where we were and I did too big a cast. Which means my lure, with three hooks on the end, got caught up the top of one of the trees.

James reckons that was the most unco bit, but I'm not sure. I think that falling out of the boat might possibly beat it.

The lure that was at the top of the tree happened to be one of Dad's favourites. So, enevitably, he wanted it back, from the top of a tree round the back of the lake.

BTW; it was really windy, which makes getting a lure out of the top of a tree at the back of the lake that much harder.

This is how it worked
  • James and I had to hold onto the tree - really hard - so that the boat didn't drift away
  • James was sitting on the floor of the boat and I was leaning out over the side
  • Dad was trying to get the lure back using ropes
  • Dad was standing up, and I was standing up
  • It was windy.

Dad slipped. The baot rocked sideways. James fell backwards. I fell forwards. No one quiet knew what hapened. I was wet and cold. James was just sitting back up. Dad had started laughing.

And the award for the unco of the year goes to...Hannah Dilger! For getting her lure caught in the top of a tree and then falling out of the boat.

James says it was the best fishing trip he's ever been on. He caught a fish and he got to see me get soaked. He's never gonna let me forget it, but luckily no-one filmed it.

I was the only one on that fishing trip who didn't catch a fish. Both James and Dad did. All I managed to catch was a cold.

Band Camp

From Monday to Thursday last week I was on a Band Camp. It was tons of fun, but it would have been more fun if the weather had been nicer. We were staying at Orana Guide Camp, on Lauderdale beach, and we all had our bathers with us hoping for a swim. But it only stopped raining once, and even then, it wasn't exactly sunny and warm.

I thought I'd share a few photos with you, tel you a bit about it.

This first photo is of my friend Loren, with Dylan, one of the Tutors. He's 19 and he's a percussionest. It was both their birthdays on the monday, Loren's 14th and Dylan's 19th, so we made them cakes. Me and Loren and Kelsey and Hayley made two huge cakes at my place on Sunday afternoon. There was enough cake to go round aproximately 65 students and 10 tutors with leftovers.

We also decorated the cakes. In this photo Loren is standing in front of Dyaln's cake (which looks like it belongs to a six-year-old girl) and Dylan is standing in front of Loren's cake (the chocolate one with 'loren' written on it).

Here is a photo of them blowing out the candles of there own cakes.

The next photo is of the freaks I had to share my room with. These freaks are also known as my friends. Jacqui wasn't there for this photo, she came later cause she had sailing monday-tuesday.

Sammy is up the top in the blue hoodie, she's a grade 7 and she plays percusion. Loren is in the pink, she's one of my 4 closest friends and she plays trumpet. Kelsey is at the bottom leaning over everyone else. She plays bass clarienet and can be really nice...when she feels like it. Halyey is the other one. She's one of my three closest friends and she plays flute and trombone, like me.

Pillow fights! Sammy's arm is smashing a pillow into Loren and Hayley is about to, too.

And here's a photo of Jacqui durring a pillow fight. She's also (as you all probably know) one of my three closest friends.

Our room was such a mess! We had stuff everywhere! We even pulled our matress onto the floor so we could jump from bunk to bunk with out risking hurting ourselves. At one stage only really skiny people could get in and out of our door.

Anyway, it was tons of fun and I'll go again next year, as long as my friends are going again.


Well, this is the first day I've spent at home for the whole of the holidays so far. I've been on Band Camp, I've been at Lake Leake, I've fallen out of a boat, I've gotten covered in mud, I've stayed up till half past two in the morning; all in the space of 7 days.

More soon. And photos.