Tuesday, October 27, 2009


And no, that is not ferering to the fish that surposedly live in Lake Leake. Which were, btw, absent again.

It is, in fact, refering to the fish in the Swan River, which were biting as well as ever.
On Saturday morning we went to fish in this river cause we actually catch fish. It was just my family though, not the morleys'.
We caught 6 fish.

We only have photos of 5 of them, cause Mum caught the sixth. One about the size of Ray's and it wasn't worth photographing.

Rachel's fish which she caught both at the same time (we fish with two hooks on our line)

My smaller fish, which was impressive when I caught it.

My bigger fish, which is actually a really good size and was also impressive when i caught it.
And Rebekah's fish which had to go and be better than both of mine. Isn't it HUGE???

Monday, October 26, 2009


I was at Lake Leake again this weekend. (It was show weekend, so we had 4 days off). Considering that last time I went to Lake leake I managed to fall out of the boat...anyone want to gues how I utterly embarrased myself this time?

No? No one? plz guess! (post your guess as a comment before reading on)

The answer is threefold (nice big word, don't you think?)

  1. I burnt my arms and legs in the sun
  2. I burnt my feet in the fire
  3. I face planted off my bike

Ok, so getting sun burnt is kinda understandable. Me and james were kiacking around the lake in the nice, warm sun on Friday. It was really nice and calm and peacful and we both paddle about the same speed, so it was really really nice.There's not really any other way to describe it. Nice.

But the thing about kyaching is that i was waering boardies and my rashy. My rashy comes half way down the top of my arms. So now I have a burn/tan line half way down the tops of my arms! So not cool!

Any way, sunburn hurts, but fire-burn hurts more.

OK, scroll down a bit. See that? Its our bonfire! We built it last time and we lit it on Thursday night. And no, i wasn't quiet dum enough to get me feet burnt in that.

Before I tell you how I did get my feet burnt, here are a few pics from the bonfire. It was tons of fun and even better cause we all got to stay late. Ray weant a bit photo carzy, but here are 4 pics I think capture the night.

The us:

The Bonfire:

The sparklers:

Ok, so back to the hot topic - my feet.

Have you ever had a bonfire? Do you know how the bonfire ash is all white and looks really harmless? Do you know how hot that ash really is?

I do.

James and I are pyro-maniacs. On friday mornign we started the fire up again with bits of bark and sticks and drift-wood. we kept that fire going all day on friday and for a bit on Saturday morning. This required freequently hunting out more sticks, bark and driftwood for our hungry fire. I think we basicly cleared our bit of shore-line from everything burnable.

We were trying to put a particularly big bit of wood on the fire when I stepped into the harmless-looking white ash. In thongs.

It really hurt and I wasn't very smart. I sorta stamped up and down a bit before I ran to the lake. I stood in the lake until my feet went numb and then got out - just to return as soon as the feeling came back into my feet.

I wore proper shoes around that fire after that.

Now, for number 3. Oh yeah, the face-plant. The easiest way for me to explane it would be for you to watch this video. Sorry for the bad quality - it was filmed on James' fone.

If you don't laugh, then there must be something wrong with you.


I havn't shown it to anyone yet who hasn't laughed. And James hasn't stopped laughing since I did it. Another thing he can add to his list if things he can never let me forget.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Dad comes home form Frace 2moz! He better have got me a pressie, cause he had really nice stuff for the french people when he left!

Plus I've talked to him on the fone lots, and none of the others have. So I think that means I get a better pressent.

I want to go walk up Mt Anne with him next weekend, cause we didn't get to before he left. But Mum'll prob complain if he takes off again so soon after coming back. Even if he is with me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Would you rather...

There's a new pole at the side of the page (just under the 'dull and boring life' thingo) plz answer it, and leave any comments about it on this post. :)

Not all bad...

Ok. So we didn't rock at the estedfords. But neither did we fail. We just weren't as good as Clarence should be.

The Junior Stage band got a merit. The Junior Concert band didn't place. The Training Band got a merit. The Senior Stage Band came second. The Senior Concert Band won. That sound fairly normal...FOR OGALVIE!!!! Not for us. We're better than that. We should be better than that. We have to be better than that! But we weren't. :(

There's always next year.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Today was the best day ever. Well, just about. Get this! We only had to go to half of homegroup, then we went to a Senior Band withdrawal. Then a break. Then a Junior Band withdrawal. Then a break. Then sport. Then Stage Band at lunch. Then...guess what?...another withdrawal!!! How cool is that day!!!

Btw: a withdrawal is where we get to skip class to do band practise. Sometimes its with the whole band, sometimes its just your section, and sometimes its an ensemble group - like our Flute Quartet in 4th period today.

Today we missed Woodwork, SOSE and Maths. I hate SOSE and Maths, so thats makes it even better.

Did anyones Friday beat that? I bet it didn't!


We had our last rehersal b4 the estedfords today and Junior Concert Band sounded AWESOME! Even Simon couldn't find anything wrong with us! After our first piece he juust said, 'you're gonna win.' The grade nines in the next room (who never seem to say anything nice) even said it was sounding great!

Estedfords are on Monday, so i hope we don't lose our awesome-ness before then. :)