Monday, March 22, 2010

Extension Maths

I'm doing a stupid extension Maths programe at the Uni on Mondays at the moment. Well, I went for the first time today.

I really don't like the whole concept of it. You hae to give up your own time, afterschool, to do extra maths! And then they give you homework and it just seems pointless! And anyway, hows it gonna help your future? I mean, your gonna cover it all in normal classes eventually, and so doing it early in extensions just gonna make it more boring when you actually do it in class. If that makes any sense at all.

We were just doing some random problems today. Like, kinda algebra and problem solving mixed together.

Here's one of them. If your interested read it. If your not just skip it.

The average weight in a group of boys was calculated. David, who weighs 39kg, joined the group and changed the average to 51kg. Ben, who weighs 61kg, then also joined the group, putting the group average up to 52kg. What was the average weight of the boys in the group before Ben and David came along?

Can you do it? I couldn't. But then the teacher explained and now i can. Which is a good thing, I guess. But I still hate doing extra maths.

BTW; I'm only doing it cause my parents bribed me into it. Mum actually bought me the last few of the books in Jhon Marsden's The Tomorrow Series, and then said that I couldn't read them unless I tryed this maths thing. I really had no choice. *sigh*

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mt Field

We spent last weekend on Mt Field, at the Oldina Ski Hut with a bunch of friends. There was us, the Dadswells and the Hatfields. The Dadswells have 2 kids, Ben, who's Ray's age, and Isi, who's the twin's age. The Hatfields also have two kids, Tess, who's my age, and Lachlen, who's Ray and Ben's age.

This is us. Keziah's on the left, followed by Ben and Lachlan. Rachel's behind them. Then Beck is sitting on me and Tess is being Sat on by Isi. It would probably be worthwile to work out who's who, othermise the rest of this post prob won't mean much.

We got up there Friday night. We all slept down stairs (us kids, that is). It was probably after midnight and we were all asleep. Well, everyone but Rachel. She got up and was walking up the stairs in the dark, on her way to the loo. Ben woke up and cause he's scared of the dark (even though he won't admit it) he had to turn on his torch and follow the unknown person up the stairs, all the while shouting at whoever it was and trying to figure out if they were real or not. He sais he was whispering, but it was definately shouting - he managed to wake just about everyone up, parents included. Anyway, he found out it was Ray and then they talked all the way back down the stairs, Ray whispering, Ben shouting. But By that time we were all awake anyway, so it was only moderately anoying.
Oh yeah, that last picture was of us girls out at a lookout we alked to on Saturday morning. There was no track, just a lot of bouldering :-) And Rachel's not there cause she spent the whole weekend with the guys. Typical Ray.

Here's us again. This is a really cute little tarn we wlked past on the way to the lookout.
On Saturday afternoon, Dennis (the guy who organises these trips to Mt Field) took all us kids (boys and ray included) and my parents (cause they wanted to come), out to Lake Rodway to stay the night. Its not far and it was really easy, but it was still fun. I walked for a bit with Tess and Isi, and then I walked for a bit with Ben and Lachlen and Ray, cause their pace is a lot more like mine. And I like boasting to ben about how I've done so much walking and he's hardly done any. :-)

At Lake Rodway I really wanted to go swimming. Isi and Ben and Lachlen all said they'd come with me, but Lachlen and Isi chickened out when they discovered just how cold the water was. Ben and I found a really good rock to jump off, out in the deeper water, so we soent a while doing bombs off that. Then the sun decided to disserpear behind the surrounding hills and we got out to stop ourselves freezing conpletely.

Sleeping arrangements that night caused a few arguements. Tess and Isi and I wanted to share a tent. Duh. We're good friends. And the twins were happy to be just the two of them , and the boys were just the two of them. But then Rachel seemed to think that suddenly she had some right to be in a tent with one of me or Tess or Isi. Which she didn't. You can't spend every waking hour hanging out with the guys and expect a warm welcome into our tent just cause suddenly you can't hang with the guys anymore.

Early (like 7am, early) on Sunday morning we climbed up the nearest ridge on the Rodway Ranges. Tess and Isi and everyone else didn't want to come right to the top, so it ended up being just me and the boys. And rachel didn't even come!

The view! Amazing, isn't it!

Me waiting patiently for everyone else to finnish using our stoves so we could use them to make our breakfast :-)

On the way back to the Oldina ski hut we stopped for another swim at one of the Tarns. Rachel and Keziah got in too, this time. And Lachy was going to (again) and chickened out (again)

Keziah swimming in the tarn. This tarn was a bit dissapointing, because it was way to shallow to bomb into. You could dive, but I look like such a retard diving that I didn't even bother trying.

Here we are frozen after our swim.

We left Oldina at about 3 in the afternoon. And then I had the swimming carnaval, and I've been asleep most of the week after that.

Swimming Carnaval

On Monday we had the School Swimming carnaval. Its compeditors only, so I went in the backstroke to get out of the day of school. I came 4th overall and 1st in my heat, which means I got myself a nice blue ribbon! :-)

I also went in the Relay - our team came second. The team that beat us had the three best swimmers in our grade, so we couldn't have been expected to ever ever beat them. And then I also ran in the biathalon. It a 2km run and then a 100m swim. You can do it in pairs - I ran, Jacqui swam. I ran well, and put Jacqui in the first group of swimmers. Then she swam the first 50m way to fast and was totally dieing for the last 50! But I can't talk. I can't even swim 100m!

There was even some time left at the end for free time and water slide! (we were at glenochy). It was tons of fun and the weather was apsolutely perfect. Last year it was raining. :-)

Friday, March 12, 2010


Don't you just hate packing? Don't you just hate parents when their packing?! They make it all so stressful and their telling you to hurry up and how they desperately need to leave and then you're all ready and their still busy doing the washing (which definately can't wait till Sunday night). *sigh*

Yeah, we're off to Mt Field 4 the wekend and everyone's ready but Mum, and she was the one telling us we had to be quick. Plus, she's been home all day to get ready and I've been home 4 all of 70 minutes!

I'm sure I must have 4gotten something, cause it was all way too easy! :-)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm selling chocolates at the moment - fundraising for band tour. I sell them for a dollar each, which means I make 40 cents of each chocolate. if you sell then for the RRT (recommended retail price - $1.20), then you make 60 cents a chocolate. But you sell more if you only sell em for $1. I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I guess i'm just bored.

I got ten boxes of chocolates on Thursday arvo last week. There's 48 chocolates in each box and the ten of them cost me $288. When I've sold them all I'll have made a profit of just over $200. Pretty good, hey? and I've already sold 106 of them with Rachel's help.

I've got Caramello, milk chocolate, White chocolate, Pineapple, Cherry ripe, Crunchie, Summer Roll and Honey Nougat Roll. I'm having to be really careful not to eat too many myself - but its so hard when your constantly looking at them!

Shack Weekend!

yay! Finally! A long week end!

We went up to Lake Leake on Friday night. We didn't get there till a quarter past 10 and Rachel was in a really bad mood cause she had to spend the whole weekend without Jordy. So she grouched and snarled and snapped at everyone and then insisted that we were all in a bad mood - not her. So frustrating!

The morleys didn't get there till midday on Saturday. Saturday was amazing! It was all sunny and warm and the water was so calm! We went swimming and kyaching and James worked out that if he rode down the hill into the water he could keep going till it was almost up to his head before he fell of. And Sam was being a woose and not getting her hair wet, and cause she's so nice I didn't dunk her. I dunked Kez and James, though . And then Ollie worked out I was gonna come for him next so he dunked himself before I could get there. :-(

I caught a little rainbow trout on Saturday morning. It was about 20 cm long and it was my only fish all weekend - except for the eels. James is too good at fishing. Its just not fair! He goes out in his boat and catches lots and lots and lots. Mostly perch, but still! He gets enough trout biting, too! He just doesn't know how to catch them cause they fight so much more than the perch.

When we first met the Morleys, they called red-fin perch and we called perch red-fin. I noticed this weekend that that's switched. We now call redfin perch, and they call perch red-fin! Wierd, hey?!

Anyway, Dad caught the best fish of the weekend. A 1.5kg trout! A brown too! I was out in the boat with him and James and Ollie had just gone in and they were all in our shack, but James was watching us cause he saw that dad was catching a fish and they all ran out onto the deck! And then dad was pulling in his fish and I was trying to net it and I was leening out over the water and Mum yelled, 'I think she's gonna fall in!' And then Kez yelled, 'No! Don't fall in!' And then James is like, 'Yes! Do fall in! That'd be halerious!' But Ididn't fall in, so it was all good.

The weather was still alright on Sunday. We did a bit of playing cards. But mostly we were still outside. Bike riding and fishing and all that. We didn't go swimming again though. It wasn't that nice!

We went eel fishing Sunday night. it was tons of fun! That lake is teeming with eels! It got to the stage where you thew your line out and you got an eel straight away - just like with flat head. Except les easy and more fun. Cause there actually seems to be a bit of skill involved in getting them in. Anyway, we sat out on the rocks infront of the Morleys shack talking and fishing and by the time Dad and I quit (the others had all been made go to bed by then) we had seven eels. four were Dad's, two were mine, and one was James's. His was the biggest, but oh well, I still caught more than him! :-)

Monday was horrid. The weather, that is. We still managed to have fun! We played cards with all seven of us and then James and i went and spent almost an hour outside in the pooring rain! We rode the fire trail - there wasn't as much mud as we were hoping for though. Then we went fishing of the shore for a bit. Then we helped Dad pull the boat up. All the while I was only wearing denim shorts and a t-shirt. By the time we went and got dry and warm, I think I could have jumped into the lake without getting any wetter. It was really raining!

Um, I think thats about it. We won't be up there again till easter, and Sam won't be there then. :-( She's going to South Africa. Not fair! but oh well. I hope the fish are still biting then cause Dad says he'll teach me to fly fish! Which looks like so much more fun than spinning - and even better - James doesn't know how! So i'll be better at fishing than him! He'll probably still catch more tough. Stupid lucky fisherman.


Don'y you just hate how for every different internet thing you have your username and password are different??? No matter how much you try and keep then the same? My school user name is hannah.dilger.00 - which is the default. Here its my email. Then I've got my fone account, my bank account, my neopets accounts (which I haven't used for over a year) and my runescape account (wich again I havn't used for over a year). And all the usernames are different! And lets not even start on passwords! cause you set them up so there all the same, but then some things make you change them and some don't and they never all ask you to change at the same timne and yeah, eventually all your passwords are different. And then everytime you sit down to log onto something you have to stop and think - now, what am i logging into again? And which passsword was that? is it only me, or does this frustrate everyone!