Saturday, June 20, 2009


I returned from grade eight camp last night and I started this post then, but have only finished it now.

It wasn't very good; as far as camps go. It was only one night, and it was only in Luaderdale (thats 15 min from my place, 2 min from my friend Hayley's and 30 sec from my friend Saku's).

The activities were a mixture (like all camps). We did some really fun stuff and some rather boring stuff. But all of it was better than Maths and SOSE and Science, so it was cool.

The other thing that was really cool about it was the teachers. We went with Mrs Palmer, our english teacher and the best teacher we have, Mr Bradley, the best teacher in the school and Mrs Musket, our second coolest teacher. Mrs Palmer is cool cause she just is. Mrs Musket is cool cause she's nice and she teaches sport. And Mr Bradley is cool cause he can make science the best subject ever, as in, better than art best.

Mr Bradley is also cool cause of all the stories he has. He spend around 2 and a half hour just telling us stories! And no-one got bored! Only six of us have had him as our teacher, so all his stories were new to everyone else. He even told some he hadn't told the six of us before!

I've got some photos of a few of the things we did, and a lot of my friends. Here they are.

Me, Alicia and Hayley.

Left to right; Alana, Sara, Jacqui, Hayley, Liana, Alisha and Saku. I'm taking the photo.

Rosina and Liana

Me and Liana.

Liana, Saku, Hayley and Jacqui playing a hand-clapping game.

Jacqui (in the hot pink) playing a clapping game with Hayley. Sara and Alana in the background and Liana's arm at the side.


Liana, Hayley and Jacqui hanging of the monkey bars.

This next lot of photos is of my class playing a game called sharks and dolphins. You start of with one person as the shark and the rest of the class as dolphins. Phill was our shark. So all us dolphins have to run away from Phill. But it was more complicated than that. Phill had a noodle and if you got hit by the noodle then you had to join the line, or the 'shark'. The person on each end of the line had a noodle, and if you got touched by either noodle then you had to join the 'shark'. Eventually my whole class was holding hands in one long line.

Here is Matt being chased by Josh and Phill; the first two members of the shark.

Left to right; Alana, the dolphin being chased, Phill, with the noodle, Jacob, Josh, Zac, Matt, Jasmine, Saku and Figgy (Dylan Figg).

The shark is growing! Here it is 11 people; Josh, with the orange noodle, Ollie, Luke, Phill, Zac, Figgy, Matt, Jacob, Saku, Jasmine, and Jaydon with the purple noodle.

And here, fianaly, the shark is nearly my whole class. I don't reckon you care who all these random people are, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Left to right; Seb, Saku, Jasmine, Sara, Jacqui (one of my best friends), Hayley (one of my other best friends), me, Alana, Ashlee, Luke, Jaydon, Stumpy (Chris), Jacob, Ollie, Zac, Josh, Matt, Phill and Figgy.

The other activity we did that I have photos of is when we were making juggling balls with the pathway planning (careers advice) people. We were looking at setting and achieving goals, so we made juggling balls and learnt to juggle. It was fun, but not as much fun as playing sharks and dolphins to learn about team work. The pathway planning people took the photos of sharks and dolphins and also the photos of making juggling balls. They are for the newsletter, but none of the teacher-people had a camera. They borrowed mine, and I don't mind, cause it means I have a copy of all these photos.

So, anyway, making juggling balls.

Along the back of this table are the cool kids in our class. There are 5 of them, but only four are in this picture. Josh, wearing the white and red checkers, Phill, with his jacket around his neck, Matt blowing up a baloon and Figgy on the end. Jaydon is also one of the cool kids, but he's been cut out of this photo. In the front is Luke in the hat and Ashlee in the blue hoodie.

Here we have Jasmin wearing black in the shadow. I don't like her cause she tries to make friends by giving out free food, she's a retard, she died her hair black and now there's about 5cm of her old light brown colour showing at the top, she really needs braces (and she's not getting them), she turned up to a fluro themed disco wearing some old construction sight fluro vests, and cause she's fat (but that doesn't matter so much). Behind her is Ollie. Left of her is Pat and Jack. Ollie and Pat and Jack are all in band; Ollie and Pat play clarinet and Jack plays bass guitar.

If you're bored with these captions, feel free to just look at the photos.

This is my table making juggling balls. You can see me up the back on the right. My friend Jacqui's head is just visible behind me (she's wearing the hot pink top). Zac is reachnig over the top of me, you can see Saku's black hair next to him, Jacob, in the hat, is next to her. Then you have Seb, Hayley, Liana, Alana, Sara standing up, and Alicia standing next to me.

This is my table again from a different angle. You can't see me here, but you can see Jacqui in the hot pink top with the messy hair and you can just see my arms in the cream on the table next to her and a bit of my hair. On the other side of Jacqui is Zac, then Saku in the 87 hoodie, Jacob with the hat, Seb, the top of Hayley's head, Liana, The top of Alana's head. The side of Sara's face is closest to the camera, and between her and me is Alicia.


  1. I hope Jasmine never finds your blog address.

  2. at leats someone read it. I've been really sad cause the photos were really frustrating to get to work and the NO ONE COMMENTED!
