Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bad News

Grandma is coming. Here. For three days. THREE DAYS!!! I'm gonna die. And its school nights so I can't go live at my friends places, tho we're gonna do our best. And, to make matters even worse, she's stealing my room! Like, I get no choice in this at all! Apparently there's no where else for her to sleep...I suggested the twin's room, Ray's room, the cupboard, the park bench...

Just when I need my room, my privacy, my space, the most it gets taken away from me. And Mum can't seem to see that everything will go so much smoother if I can hide in my room for the three days! Who is she? Coming into my house and making me run for cover. I bet she'll totally hate my trombone practise. I'll have to do a lot of that while she's here. And cause i won't have my room I'll have too do it in the lounge room! How sad!

Anyway, if she does steal my room I'm gonna cover the walls with pictures of hot black guys (Taylor Launter), to make it as uncomfortable for her as possible. Stupid racist anoying Grandma.


  1. Lol. I know how you feel, but you will survive. The trick is being in another room with your ipod headphones for as much of the time as possible. Just tell her that you have homework to do and you need to do it in another room where its quiet.

  2. You might find the posters backfire and she is on your case a lot. Just try zoning her out when she goes off on an annoying tangent. I think your mum does understand but has very few options.
