Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Its five days since my last post and I'm utterly bored right now so I'll tell you some utterly unimportant details of my utterly uninteresting life.

Mr Hird is getting worse - I actually tryed my hardest to understand what he was saying yesterday and only just managed to make sence of it. Not cause its particularly hard or confusing - just cause he's a bad teacher. Then I had to explain it to my friend Jacqui who is also one of the smartest kidsin my year and my friend Allicia who is really going to struggle with maths this year if Mr Hird doesn't pick up his game. We were the only ones who bothered to work. Mr Hird didn't even seem to notice that the rest of the class did nothing all lesson.

Um, what else can I say? I was dissapointed with Sunday night's Dr Who. I thought they could have done a lot better. It just wasn't freaky enough. I hope part two is an improvement.

Band starts on Thursday, which will be good cause then I'll at least have something to do.


  1. Sorry you are bored. We are going camping today!!!
    We decided to make the most of my having a weekend off. so we are off to the east coast until Sunday. Rob, Cliint and Em are joining us tonight. Hope your weekend picks up.
    Yeah, Dr Who got a bit weird and slightly lame, but I will miss David Tennant.

  2. Enjoy ur trip! And David Tennant's not gone yet! We've still got this Sunday's episode!

  3. We all saw it the day it came out in the UK, though, so he's been gone for ages for us.

    Camping was awesome - especially the swimming, but I'll blog about that later and you can read all about it.

    We have a couple of bad teachers at uni, too. I know how much they can make something easy impossible to understand. Good luck.
