Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Wall of Shame

This is an invention of my English teacher, Mrs K. This is where people who make really stupid spelling mistakes end up - so I'm guessing I'll be up there several times before the end of the year!

Anyway, I though you could all do with a laugh. Here are some of the word's from Mrs K's 2009 Wall of Shame. And I wasn't in her class then, so none of these are me.

Brootaly = brutally
Asalted = assaulted
Gentitle = genital
Labara = labourer
In packs = impacts (lol)
Balled = bald (double lol)
Conshence = conscience
Susity = society
Faitle = fatal
Parashoot = parachute
Custardy = custody
Suzerian = cesarean
Conker = conquer
Hospittle = hospital
A poorling = appalling
Butifle = beautiful
Seperia = superior
Colder sack = cul de sac
Floor less = flawless
Parence = parents

I hope you've all had a good laugh at that! I know I did! :-)


  1. Bet you end up on there before too long :)

  2. Don't laugh too hard, they look a little too familiar. Spelling mistakes are all to eary to make. Especially if your fingers do what mine do.

  3. See there my point is made, eary is meant to be easy.

  4. You'll be top of the list in this class too - you're a spock alright!

  5. I already am! Seriously! I spelled rabbit rabit and so I'm the first oerson on the wall of shame. How skilled is that??
